
Kasım, 2011 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

Passive Voice Quick Overview

Passive Voice (Present) am/is/are + V3 This car is made in China every year. *** Passive Voice (Past) was/were + V3 This car was made in China in 1993. ------------------------------------------------------- For more information on Passive Voice, go to link below: http://www.ego4u.com/en/cram-up/grammar/passive Irregular verb list: http://www.usingenglish.com/reference/irregular-verbs/

British Council Listening Activity for Elementary Classes

Go to page:  http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/stories/scarlett 1. Do preparation. 2. Read the text and find unknown words. (Make use of Cambridge Online) 3. Write unknown words on Microsof Word. (Both English and Turkish meaning) 4. Save and close. Send it to your teacher. 5. Continue with other tasks.